Hyperactive mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) is a shared molecular hallmark in several neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by abnormal brain cytoarchitecture. The mechanisms downstream of mTORC1 that are responsible for these defects remain unclear. We show that focally increasing mTORC1 activity during late corticogenesis leads to ectopic placement of upper-layer cortical neurons that does not require altered signaling in radial glia and is accompanied by changes in layer-specific molecular identity. Importantly, we found that decreasing cap-dependent translation by expressing a constitutively active mutant of the translational repressor eukaryotic initiation factor 4E-binding protein 1 (4E-BP1) prevents neuronal misplacement and soma enlargement, while partially rescuing dendritic hypertrophy induced by hyperactive mTORC1. Furthermore, overactivation of translation alone through knockdown of 4E-BP2 was sufficient to induce neuronal misplacement. These data show that many aspects of abnormal brain cytoarchitecture can be prevented by manipulating a single intracellular process downstream of mTORC1, cap-dependent translation.veractive mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) signaling is a signature of many disorders with cortical malformations (1), ranging from tuberous sclerosis complex with focal dysplasias to hemimegalencephaly with more diffuse, hemispheric aberrations. The high incidence of negative outcomes in individuals with such malformations (2), which are often associated with intractable childhood seizures, underscores the need to better understand the molecular etiology of these developmental lesions. Animal models have demonstrated the causative effect of increased mTORC1 signaling on mislamination (3-7). The pharmacological mTORC1 blocker rapamycin has also been shown to reverse some of the developmental abnormalities and associated seizure activity in several of these mouse models (5, 6, 8-10), further emphasizing the importance of mTORC1 in the disease pathogenesis.Despite the demonstrated relevance of mTORC1 signaling, there is less known about the molecular mechanisms by which mTORC1 alters cortical development. Addressing this question is complicated by the wide range of cellular processes regulated by mTORC1 through independent downstream targets. Among these regulated processes are autophagy, lysosomal function, lipid synthesis, and, one of the best-studied functions, cap-dependent translation (11). Because current drugs that suppress mTORC1 activity can have serious side effects (12, 13) and do not fully block some of mTORC1's functions (14), a more specific understanding of how mTORC1 contributes to cortical mislamination could yield better targets for treatment.This study therefore aimed to more closely characterize the cytoarchitectural aberrations generated by hyperactive mTORC1 and to examine the contribution of translational regulation to these cortical malformations. Using in utero electroporation, we generated and characterized focal mislamination an...