Background: One of the most prevalent obstetric issues is vaginal bleeding in the first trimester. It's also one of the most prevalent reasons for emergency admissions, as well as a reason for ultra-sound evaluation in the first trimester. In the first trimester, over a quarter of all pregnant female experience bleeding.
Aims and objective: The purpose of this research was to determine the diagnostic value of ultra-sonography in first-trimester haemorrhage.
Materials and method: All pregnant female who experienced per vaginal bleeding during the first trimester were included in this research. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to assess all of the selected instances. To arrive at a clinical opinion, a full history and comprehensive clinical evaluation were undertaken, including general, systemic, per abdominal, and per vaginal evaluations. In all of the cases that were chosen, ultra-sonography was used. The results of the clinical evaluation and ultra-sonography were documented.
Results: On clinical evaluation, 164 cases of threatened abortion were identified, whereas ultra-sonography verified 102 cases of impending abortion. In 62 cases, there was a discrepancy in opinion. Complete abortion had a 16 percent inconsistancy, while incomplete abortion had a 4 percent inconsistancy. In 20 cases of Blighted ovum, there was a inconsistancy. Out of 214 occurrences of first trimester bleeding, abortion was diagnosed in 200 cases (93.46 percent), ectopic pregnancy in 10 cases (4.67 percent), and hydatiform mole in four cases (1.87 percent). Clinical opinion had a 100% sensitivity in diagnosing a viable intrauterine pregnancy, but only a 44.6 percent specificity. Clinical opinion has a poor statistical correlation in diagnosing nonviable pregnancies, with a sensitivity of 39%.
Conclusion: Ultra-sonography has thus been established as a critical diagnostic tool in obstetrics. It is a readily available diagnostic tool that aids in the early detection of problems associated with first-trimester haemorrhage. It was established in the aforementioned research that it had an essential role in the opinion of first trimester haemorrhage.
Key Word: first trimester bleeding, ultasonography, diagnostic importance