The purpose of the paper was to describe demographic and clinical factors associated with fetal or neonatal death or cerebral palsy (CP) in twins. Vital statistics from five populations in the United States and Australia, which included information on CP diagnosed after 1 y of age. Information on zygosity was not available. In 1,141,351 births, 25,772 of whom were twins, significant secular trends from 1980 to 1989 included increasing prevalence of twins, increasing proportion of unlike-sex twins, and increasing maternal age. Overall, twins were at an approximately 5-fold increased risk of fetal death, 7-fold increased risk of neonatal death, and 4-fold increased risk of CP compared with singletons. However, at birth weight Ͻ2500 g, twins generally did better than singletons, both with respect to mortality and to CP rates. Second-born twins and twins from same-sex pairs were at increased risk of early death but not of CP. Twins from growth-discordant pairs and twins whose co-twin died were at increased risk of both mortality and CP. The highest rates of CP were in surviving twins whose co-twin was still-born (4.7%), died shortly after birth (6.3%) or had CP (11.8%). In this large data set spanning a 10-y period, overall rates of death or cerebral palsy were higher in twins than singletons, although small twins generally did better than small singletons. Co-twin death was a strong predictor of CP in surviving twins. This risk was the same for same-and different-sex pairs, and observed both for preterm and term infants. The prevalence of multiple births has increased in recent years (1-3), making the identification of factors that influence outcome in these infants increasingly important from a public health perspective. Infants from multiple births are known to be at higher risk of cerebral palsy (CP) than singleton infants (4 -7). As the risk of CP is strongly related to low birth weight or immaturity, and twin infants are on average smaller and born earlier than singleton infants, it is necessary to separate the influence of birth weight from other factors which may independently predict unfavorable outcome.The aim of this study is to describe the risk of CP in a large population-based cohort of over one million births, of whom more than 20,000 were twins. Our data came from five populations in Australia and the United States (9).* Demographic characteristics were derived from birth records and supplemented by perinatal death certifications and CP diagnoses obtained from registers with a high ascertainment of cases.Twins are more likely than singletons to die as infants (4, 8 -10), precluding a diagnosis of CP which generally cannot be made with confidence until months or years after birth. Our primary purpose was to explore factors related to CP risk in Received June 26, 2001; accepted April 15, 2002