Here we state a conjecture concerning a local version of Brunella's alternative: any codimension one foliation in (C 3 , 0) without germ of invariant surface has a neighborhood of the origin formed by leaves containing a germ of analytic curve at the origin. We prove the conjecture for the class of codimension one foliations whose reduction of singularities is obtained by blowingup points and curves of equireduction and such that the final singularities are free of saddle-nodes. The concept of "partial separatrix" for a given reduction of singularities has a central role in our argumentations, as well as the quantitative control of the generic Camacho-Sad index in dimension three. The "nodal components" are the only possible obstructions to get such germs of analytic curves. We use the partial separatrices to push the leaves near a nodal component towards compact diacritical divisors, finding in this way the desired analytic curves.