“…Consistent with the scRNA and immunofluorescence data, genes associated with surfactant biosynthesis ( Sftpb, Sftpc , and Sftpd) , genes associated with surfactant homeostasis ( Ctsh ) and those associated with lipid metabolism ( Lpcat1, Abca3, Fasn, Scd1) were significantly decreased in bulk epithelial RNA (Figure 3B, C). Several genes not found to be differentially expressed in the single cell data but known to be required for normal lung development and AT2 cell maturation were differentially expressed in the bulk RNA analysis including Fgfr2 (−1.73), 47,48 Cebpa (−1.83), 49 Etv5 (−2.82), 50,51 and Wnt5a (2.1) 52 (Figure 3A). RNAs associated with the main AT1 cell program were increased, including Ager, Rtkn2, Lima1, Tead4, Cttnbp2 , and Mslnl , consistent with the increased number of AT1 cells (Figure 3A, C); however, a number of genes associated with AT1 cells were downregulated in both the bulk and single cell data including Fbln5, Bmp4, Slco3a1, Samhd1, Slc4a5 , and Gnb4 .…”