A simple and compact multi wavelength tunable Brillouin fiber laser (BFL) in conjunction with dual pass approach is proposed and experimentally compared with the output of a conventional single ring cavity architecture. This BFL source is demonstrated using 10 km long non zero dispersion shifted fiber (NZ DSF) as a Brillouin gain medium. By single ring cavity configuration, odd order Brillouin Stokes lines appear in the backward direction with the line spacing 0.16 nm (~20 GHz) between each two consecutive waves. However, this single ring cavity in conjunction with dual pass configuration is able to generate Bril louin Stokes lines with 0.08 nm spacing by providing bi directional oscillations of Brillouin waves in both for ward and backward directions. With a Brillouin pump power of 15.3 dBm, approximately up to 17 Brillouin Stokes lines are generated which is tunable over 40 nm tuning range.