Background: Bronchoscopy can play a major role in both diagnosis and treatment. Diagnostic bronchoscopy is a useful tool for the diagnosis of pulmonary lesions particularly bronchogenic carcinoma and pulmonary tuberculosisAim: To find out the role of fibre-optic bronchoscopy in the diagnosis of pulmonary diseases.Methods: This observational study was conducted in the Indoor patient, Department of Medicine in Rangpur Medical College Hospital. Of all patients aged 18 years and above Undiagnosed pulmonary lesion in the medical wards between October 2012 to October 2014.Results: Out of 256 cases, mean age ±SD was 61.01(±11.51), minimum age was 23 and maximum age was 86 years. Majority 84% were male and 16% were female. Most of the respondent were smoker whereas (82%). Most common presenting complains were cough, dyspnoea, haemoptysis and fever 83%, 59.3%,53% and 36% respectively. General Physical examination findings, 97% were anamia and clubbing were 41% and cyanosis 02%. Respiratory system examination findings, 54% were features suggestive of complete collapse, 15% features suggestive of consolidation and 31% normal chest findings. Chest x-ray findings of the study population, 25.8% were dense homogenous opacity involving right or left lung field, 17.9% were complete collapse of affected lungs , 5.5% were right middle lobe collapse, 4.3% Unilateral hilar lymphadenopathy, 7.03% were elevation of hemidiaphragm of affected site and 7.03% were pleural effusion. 6.6% patient had normal CxR. In present study shows bronchoscopic findings in patients studied, Vocal cord paralysis were 9.3%, Right main bronchus were 15.6% , Right upper lobe bronchus were 7.03% , Right middle lobe bronchus were 7.8%, Right lower lobe bronchus were 9.8%, Left main bronchus were 14% , Left upper lobe 4.3%, Left lingular were 1.9% and Left lower lobe bronchus were 9.3%.In this study shows histologhical findings majority 18% were squamaus cell carcinoma,8.2% were small cell carcinoma,2.3% were adeno carcinoma,6.6% infiltration of Inflammatory cell and granuloma 1.2%.Conclusion: In this study male are predominant. Most of the respondent was smoker. Most common presenting complains were cough, haemoptysis, fever and chest pain. Most of general physical examination findings were anamia and clubbing. Respiratory system examination findings were features suggestive of complete collapse, features suggestive of consolidation and normal chest findings. chest x-ray findings of the study population were complete collapse of affected lungs, rtight middle lobe collapse, Dense homogenous opacity involving right or left lung field, Unilateral hilar lymphadenopathy. Bronchoscopic findings were vocal cord paralysis, right main bronchus, right upper lobe bronchus, right middle lobe bronchus, right lower lobe bronchus, left main bronchus, left lingual and left lower lobe bronchus. Histologhical findings majority were squamaus cell carcinoma. Most of the patient poorly differentiated carcinoma among the study subjectsBangladesh J Medicine Jan 2016; 27(1) : 16-21