We show that a four-manifold admits a boundary Lefschetz fibration over the disc if and only if it is diffeomorphic to S 1 × S 3 #nCP 2 , #mCP 2 #nCP 2 or #m(S 2 × S 2 ). Given the relation between boundary Lefschetz fibrations and stable generalized complex structures, we conclude that the manifolds S 1 × S 3 #nCP 2 , #(2m + 1)CP 2 #nCP 2 and #(2m+1)S 2 ×S 2 admit stable structures whose type change locus has a single component and are the only four-manifolds whose stable structure arise from boundary Lefschetz fibrations over the disc. arXiv:1706.09207v1 [math.DG] 28 Jun 2017 2 STEFAN BEHRENS GIL R. CAVALCANTI RALPH L. KLAASSE Theorem ([8, Theorem 3.7]). Let D be a co-orientable elliptic divisor on X. Then there is a correspondence between gauge equivalence classes of stable generalized complex structures on X which induce the divisor D, and zero-residue symplectic structures on (X, D).This results paves the way for the use of symplectic techniques to study stable structures. One result that exemplifies that use is the following.