Regulation of tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) depends on fibrin binding and fibrin structure. tPA structure/ function relationships were investigated in fibrin formed by high or low thrombin concentrations to produce a fine mesh and small pores, or thick fibers and coarse structure, respectively. Kinetics studies were performed to investigate plasminogen activation and fibrinolysis in the 2 types of fibrin, using wild-type tPA (F-G-K1-K2-P, F and K2 binding), K1K1-tPA (F-G-K1-K1-P, F binding), and delF-tPA (G-K1-K2-P, K2 binding). There was a trend of enzyme potency of tPA > K1K1-tPA > delF-tPA, highlighting the importance of the finger domain in regulating activity, but the differences were less apparent in fine fibrin. Fine fibrin was a better surface for plasminogen activation but more resistant to lysis. Scanning electron and confocal microscopy using orange fluorescent fibrin with green fluorescent protein-labeled tPA variants showed that tPA was strongly associated with agglomerates in coarse but not in fine fibrin. In later lytic stages, delF-tPA-green fluorescent protein diffused more rapidly through fibrin in contrast to full-length tPA, highlighting the importance of finger domainagglomerate interactions. Thus, the regulation of fibrinolysis depends on the starting nature of fibrin fibers and complex dynamic interaction between tPA and fibrin structures that vary over time. (Blood. 2011;117(2):661-668)
IntroductionFibrin may be viewed as a substrate according to 2 distinct definitions of the word: (1) a surface or layer supporting biologic activity and (2) a substance acted on by an enzyme. The mechanism of tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) stimulation by fibrin is by "colocalization" of tPA and plasminogen on fibrin, which acts as a substrate (definition 1) or template; and the plasmin generated in this way is the enzyme that digests fibrin substrate (definition 2). Fibrinolysis encompasses both processes, which are distinct but overlapping. The role of fibrin structure in regulating the whole process of fibrinolysis is not completely understood, and there is disagreement over published results. For example, fibrin fiber diameter can be manipulated by thrombin, such that higher thrombin concentrations produce a fine network of thin fibers, whereas fibrin polymerization at lower thrombin concentration results in more lateral aggregation and produces clots composed of thicker fibers, as reviewed. 1 It has been observed from gross changes in turbidity of fibrin clots undergoing lysis 2,3 that clots made of thicker fibers appear to lyse more rapidly than clots made from fine fibers. However, this simple relationship has been questioned because clots made of thicker fibers are more turbid and lysis may appear to be faster when followed optically if turbidity is not normalized to correct for different starting values. 1 Furthermore, it has been noted from more detailed microscopic studies that thinner fibers are more susceptible to lysis than thick fibers, yet this relationship is not reflecte...