Abstract. The percentage of electricity produced by renewable energy sources grows rapidly during last years. But high-power renewable energy sources like offshore or onshore wind farms in coastal regions are located very often far from consumers. The task of the energy transport over long distances becomes more and more important. Due to the difficulties finding new corridors for the extra high voltage (EHV) transmission lines in densely populated countries with developed infrastructure is often recommended to combine the new transmission line with other infrastructure objects like railways, highways and other transmission lines. One of theoretical possibilities is the use of common pylons for the installation of a new EHV transmission line together with catenary of electrified railway lines. Another one is the laying of HVDC cable parallel to the rail line. The proximity of different current feeding systems causes the electromagnetic interaction between transmission line and catenary. These interferences can disturb the operation of both systems. On the base of mathematical modelling of electromagnetic interferences between transmission lines and catenary the interaction between both systems is considered in the offered paper.