Aquatic biota in terms of phytoplankton, zooplankton and benthic fauna were qualitatively and quantitatively followed seasonally during 2007 in a North African small reservoir, Aswan Reservoir. Simultaneously, seasonal variations in water quality were investigated in order to determine how far the aquatic biota could be altered by physicochemical and biotic factors. In phytoplankton of the investigated reservoir, 75 species belonging to four systematic groups were recorded, comprising 11 Cyanoprokaryota, 24 Bacillariophyceae, 2 Dinophyceae and 38 Chlorophyceae. Most numerous zooplankton were Rotifera (23 species). Cladocera and Copepoda were less numerous, with only seven and three species, respectively. Early development stages of copepods, nauplii and copepodites were sometimes recorded in considerable numbers. Twenty‐two invertebrate species related to five animal groups were exclusively benthic fauna: three Oligochaeta, nine Mollusca, seven larvae of Chironomidae, one Platyhelminthes, one Hirudinea and one Decapoda. Generally, the estimated values of phytoplankton species richness were relatively higher than those of zooplankton or benthic fauna. In particular, phytoplankton was influenced by physicochemical factors – water transparency, salinity and soluble reactive silica contents – as well as biotic factors – zooplankton and benthic fauna. Levels of pH value, Mg+2, NO3‐N and chlorophyll‐a contents appeared to be the most influential parameters dictating the pattern of seasonal periodicity of benthic fauna. Numerically, the phytoplankton was somewhat more abundant in winter and autumn than in spring or summer. The peak of zooplankton population densities was observed in spring season. Benthic fauna tended to be abundant in summer and autumn seasons, showing a reverse seasonal trend from that of zooplankton. Cyanoprokaryota and Bacillariophyceae were the most important groups that determined the seasonal fluctuation pattern of phytoplankton. Rotifera and Copepoda were the most predominant groups influencing the seasonal periodicity of zooplankton. Oligochaeta and Mollusca alternated the dominancy of benthic fauna community in Aswan Reservoir.