“…Then comes the registration of the magnetization projection of the analyzed bitumen sample on the direction of the constant magnetic field through a fixed time interval after exposure of each pair of magnetic field pulses. In order to increase the informativity of the mode, the initial value of the magnetization projection of the analyzed bitumen sample on the direction of the constant magnetic field is recorded beforehand, whereupon the measuring cycle is performed twice at a sample temperature of 40 °C and 100 °C, respectively (Xu et al, 2013;Kruk et al, 2012;Haber-Pohlmeier et al, 2013). And after each measuring cycle the amplitude of the transverse magnetization of the analyzed sample is determined by extrapolating the linear part of the logarithm of the projection of the sample magnetization and the time interval between the pulses of the magnetic field onto zero time interval between the pulses and then the group content of oils, asphaltenes and resins is determined from the relations: P A =A 1 ·100/A 0 ; P C =(A 0 -A 2 )·100/A 0 , P B =100-P A -P C , where P A , P C , P B -oils, asphaltenes and resins content in the analyzed sample, respectively, mass %; A 0 -the initial value of the projection of the sample magnetization; A 1 and A 2 -the values of amplitude of the transverse magnetization, determined at sample temperature of 40 °C and 100 °C, respectively.…”