† These authors contributed equally to this workThe recent discovery that a spin-polarized electrical current can apply a large torque to a ferromagnet, through direct transfer of spin angular momentum, offers the intriguing possibility of manipulating magnetic-device elements without applying cumbersome magnetic fields. 1-16 However, a central question remains unresolved:What type of magnetic motions can be generated by this torque? Theory predicts that spin transfer may be able to drive a nanomagnet into types of oscillatory magnetic modes not attainable with magnetic fields alone, 1-3 but existing measurement techniques have provided only indirect evidence for dynamical states. 4,6-8,12,14-16 The nature of the possible motions has not been determined. Here we demonstrate a technique that allows direct electrical measurements of microwave-frequency dynamics in individual nanomagnets, propelled by a DC spin-polarised current. We show that in fact spin transfer can produce several different types of magnetic excitations. Although there is no mechanical motion, a simple magnetic-multilayer structure acts like a nanoscale motor; it converts energy from a DC electrical current into high-frequency magnetic rotations that might be applied in new devices including microwave sources and resonators. 2 We examine samples made by sputtering a multilayer of 80 nm Cu / 40 nm Co / 10 nm Cu / 3 nm Co / 2 nm Cu / 30 nm Pt onto an oxidized silicon wafer and then milling through part of the multilayer (Fig. 1a) to form a pillar with an elliptical cross section of lithographic dimensions 130 nm ¥ 70 nm. 17 Top contact is made with a Cu electrode.Transmission or reflection of electrons from the thicker "fixed" Co layer produces a spinpolarised current that can apply a torque to the thinner "free" Co layer. Subsequent oscillations of the free-layer magnetization relative to the fixed layer change the device resistance 18 so, under conditions of DC current bias, magnetic dynamics produce a timevarying voltage (with typical frequencies in the microwave range). If the oscillations were exactly symmetric relative to the direction to the fixed-layer moment, voltage signals would occur only at multiples of twice the fundamental oscillation frequency, f. To produce signal strength at f, we apply static magnetic fields (H) in the sample plane a few degrees away from the magnetically-easy axis of the free layer. All data are taken at room temperature, and by convention positive current I denotes electron flow from the free to the fixed layer.In characterization measurements done at frequencies < 1 kHz, the samples exhibit the same spin-transfer-driven changes in resistance reported in previous experiments 7,9 (Fig. 1b). For H smaller than the coercive field of the free layer (H c ~ 600 Oe), an applied current produces hysteretic switching of the magnetic layers between the low-resistance parallel (P) and high-resistance antiparallel (AP) states. Sweeping H can also drive switching between the P and AP states (Fig 1b, inset). For H larger ...