In the present report, we investigate various properties ofthe Nb 2 PdS 5 superconductor.Scanning electron microscopy displayed slabs like laminargrowth of Nb 2 PdS 5 while X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy exhibited the hybridization of Sulphur (2p) with both Palladium (3d)and Niobium (3d). High field (140kOe) magneto-transport measurements revealed that superconductivity (T c onset =7K and T c = 0 = 6.2K) of the studied Nb 2 PdS 5 material is quite robust against magnetic field with the upper critical field (H c2 ) outside the Pauli paramagnetic limit. Thermally activated flux flow (TAFF) of the compound showed that resistivity curves follow Arrhenius behaviour. The activation energy for Nb 2 PdS 5 is found to decrease from 15.15meV at 10kOe to 2.35meV at 140kOe. Seemingly, the single vortex pinning is dominant in low field regions, while collective pinning is dominant in high field region. The temperature dependence of AC susceptibility confirmed the T c at 6K, further varying amplitude and frequency showed well coupled granular nature of superconductivity. The lower critical field (H c1 ) is extracted from DC magnetisation measurements at various T below T c . It is found that H c1 (T) of Nb 2 PdS 5 material seemingly follows the multiband nature of superconductivity.