The radical pair mechanism (RPM) of chemically induced dynamic electron polarization (CIDEP) is theoretically analyzed to determine what intermolecular separations (reŸ effectively cont¡ to the CIDEP generated from diflhsive, separated radical-ion pairs (RIP) in terms of the chargetransfer interaction in the singlet-triplet energy splitting (J) by taking into aceount the distance-dependent electronic coupling and reorganization energy. The diffusion-model analysis reveals that the hyperŸ237 RPM polarization (PwM) phase is varied with the driving force (-AGc~) for the charge-recombination (CR) process and that the boundary -AGcR between the opposite phases coincides well with the total reorganization energy around the diffusible separation distante, rct r = 1.2 nm, between the ion radicals. For the first time, the roe r is well described by the exponent parameter (13) in the distance-dependent electronic coupling, suggesting that the RPM CIDEP detection can be applied to characterize the electronic coupling in individual solvent-separated RIP systems. It has been concluded that, in contrast to the spin exchange interaction of the neutral radical pairs, the characteristic long-range charge-transfer interaction enables us to utilize the simple diffusion-model analysis to successfully evaluate the rc~ and the P~M in homogeneous liquid polar solvents.