Pieñkowski, G., Mar tini, M., Zepeda-Martínez. M., 2019. Bajocian transgressive-re gres sive se quences of the Tecocoyunca Group, south ern Mex ico, with max i mum flood ing sur faces marked by Thalassinoides. Geo log i cal Quar terly, 63 (3): 449-459, doi: 10.7306/gq.1480 As so ci ate ed i tor: Micha³ Zatoñ Bajocian (Mid dle Ju ras sic) transgressive-re gres sive se quences (TRS), out crop ping in the Rosario Nuevo Creek (Tezoatlán Ba sin, Tecocoyunca Group) in Oaxaca State, Mex ico, rep re sent one of the Ju ras sic phases of open ing and wid en ing of a trans-Pangaean ma rine cor ri dor (called also the His panic Cor ri dor) and show a retrogradational-progradational set of sed imen tary suc ces sions with de ci pher able and di verse fa cies. Two TRSs have been dis tin guished. The lower one starts with fluvio-deltaic sand stones in clud ing pedogenic ho ri zons. Drown ing of the deltaic plain and grad ual ris ing of the wa ter ta ble is marked by change in veg e ta tion: from large trees to low-rise veg e ta tion with char ac ter is tic clumps of dense roots ce mented by sid er ite. The delta plain suc ces sion is topped by a thin coal seam, fol lowed by a transgressive sur face. En su ing lam i nated mudstones of re stricted ma rine or i gin pass into open ma rine de pos its, rep re sented by bioturbated heterolithic strata with ammonites fol lowed by nearshore sand stones, de pos ited in a storm-dom i nated ba sin. A sim i lar suc ces sion, al though without the deltaic part, is re peated in the next TRS. Of note are two thin (15-20 cm) con tin u ous beds with Thalassinoides isp. net works, pres ent within open ma rine de pos its. Al though large Thalassinoides net works are mostly known from shal low-marine and coastal en vi ron ments, the case from Mex ico rep re sents less com mon oc cur rences from a deeper ma rine (off shore) set ting, as so ci ated with max i mum flood ing sur faces, sed i ment star va tion and firmgrounds (Glossifungites ichnofacies). Occur rences of Thalassinoides meshes, pre cisely mark ing max i mum flood ing sur faces, are help ful in de fin ing the hi er ar chy of se quence strati graphic cy cles.