A large gap between actual and potential herbage production of tall fescue is a major limitation for livestock production systems in Argentina. The objectives of this work were to (a) calibrate and test the ability of a published pasture-soil water model to represent herbage growth dynamics of tall fescue [Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh.] under different growing conditions, using data from controlled field experiments; (a) use the evaluated model to predict the magnitude and time of the year that N or soil water would constrain tall fescue from attaining its potential growth rate in the south-eastern Pampas of Argentina; and (c) quantify herbage production gains and temporal variability for a proposed improved management practice (IMP) of N fertilizer under different meteorological and soils scenarios. After tall fescue-How to cite this article: Insua JR, Machado CF, Garcia SC, Berone GD. Forage yield gap analysis for tall fescue pastures in Argentina: A modelling approach. Grass Forage Sci.