Electron-like carriers in bismuth are described by the Dirac Hamiltonian, with a band mass becoming a thousandth of the bare electron mass along one crystalline axis [1]. The existence of three anisotropic valleys offers electrons an additional degree of freedom, a subject of recent attention [2]. Here, we map the Landau spectrum by angle-resolved magnetostriction, and quantify the carrier number in each valley: while the electron valleys keep identical spectra, they substantially differ in their density of states at the Fermi level. Thus, the electron fluid does not keep the rotational symmetry of the lattice at low temperature and high magnetic field, even in the absence of internal strain. This effect, reminiscent of the Coulomb pseudo-gap in localized electronic states, affects only electrons in the immediate vicinity of the Fermi level. It presents the most striking departure from the non-interacting picture of electrons in bulk bismuth.A naturally occurring element known since ancient times [3,4], the semi-metal bismuth has played an important role in the history of solid state physics [5]. Over the last five years, bismuth has attracted new attention focused on its unusual properties in the presence of a strong magnetic field. More than 120 years after the first discovery of the Nernst-Ettingshausen effect (NE) in the very same material [6], giant NE oscillations were observed in the vicinity of the quantum limit [7]. This limit is attained when the magnetic field is strong enough to confine carriers to their lowest Landau level(s). With currently available magnetic fields, it is only accessible in solids with a carrier concentration as low as in bismuth. Theory expects a prominent role for electron interactions beyond this limit [8]. NE measurements extended to 33 T, well above the quantum limit [9], found features unexpected in the single-particle picture. Torque magnetometry studies by Li et al. [10] up to 31 T showed a structure in magnetization with hysteresis suggesting a correlation-induced phase transition.These results inspired new theoretical studies of the Landau spectrum in bismuth [11,12], which is remarkably complex because the electron dispersion is Diraclike, with an additional anisotropic Zeeman term [13,14]. In particular, in the vicinity of the high-symmetry axis known as the trigonal axis, the magnetic field at which an electron Landau level is depleted rapidly changes with the field orientation. Recently, the angle-resolved Landau spectrum was determined by NE measurements for the whole solid angle [15,16], and found to be in good agreement with theoretical calculations by Fuseya [15], based on an earlier model by Vecchi and co-workers [13]. Thus the non-interacting picture can successfully explain most features of the high-field phase diagram, including those previously attributed to electron interaction [9,10]. Still the unexpected hysteresis seen in the torque measurements [10], reminiscent of a first-order phase transition, remained unexplained. However, subsequent torque magneto...