We report a high-field-induced magnetic phase in a single crystal of U(Ru 0.92 Rh 0.08 ) 2 Si 2 . Our neutron study, combined with high-field magnetization, shows that the magnetic phase above the first metamagnetic transition at μ 0 H c1 = 21.6 T has an uncompensated commensurate antiferromagnetic structure with a propagation vector Q 2 = ( 2 3 00) possessing two single-Q domains. U moments of 1.45(9)μ B directed along the c axis are arranged in an up-up-down sequence propagating along the a axis, in agreement with bulk measurements. The U magnetic form factor at high fields is consistent with both the U 3+ and U 4+ types. The low-field short-range order that emerges from pure URu 2 Si 2 due to Rh doping is initially strengthened by the field but disappears in the field-induced phase. The tetragonal symmetry is preserved across the transition, but the a-axis lattice parameter increases already at low fields. Our results are in agreement with an itinerant electron model with 5f states forming bands pinned in the vicinity of the Fermi surface that is significantly reconstructed by the applied magnetic field. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.121117 Despite more than three decades of intense study the ground state of the well-established hidden order (HO at T HO = 17.5 K)/superconducting (SC at T SC = 1.5 K) heavy-fermion system URu 2 Si 2 remains unknown and under heavy dispute [1]. The HO is linked to an antiferromagnetic (AF) order [2][3][4] and fluctuations characterized by a propagation vector Q 0 = (100) that can be stabilized either by strain or doping [5]. At temperatures where the HO exists, new phases can be created by perturbations. A strong magnetic field is necessary to suppress the HO order and drive the system into distinct metamagnetic transitions (MTs) between 35 and 39 T before reaching a polarized Fermi-liquid state [6,7].High critical fields can be reduced by a suitable light doping, in particular, by a Rh substitution for Ru [6,8]. Such substitutions quickly destroy both the HO and SC states in the range of a few percent, keeping the heavy-fermion behavior intact, and stabilize (2%-3% Rh) AF order with Q 0 [9]. For doping levels above 10% Rh, a long-range AF order withAlthough high-field bulk measurements disclose important insights regarding the physical states emerging from HO, only microscopic methods such as neutron diffraction yield information regarding the periodicity and nature of the order. However, it is most challenging to combine this technique with static magnetic fields exceeding ∼17 T. This is due to two main limitations. On one hand, the magnetic field strengths are limited by the construction material of the magnet, and on the other, the orientation of the sample with respect to the magnetic field and neutron beam imposes specific geometrical restrictions. Challenging neutron experiments in pulsed magnetic fields [10] were recently performed revealing the main features of field-induced magnetic structures in pure URu 2 Si 2 and 4% Rh-doped systems that are found to be different [11,...