Keywords: Metal/ceramic interface, internal oxidation, Cu/MgO heterophase interface, high resolution electron microscopy, atom-probe field-ion microscopy.Abstract. The chemical composition profile across a Cu/MgO {lll}-type heterophase interface, produced by the internal oxidation of a Cu(Mg) single-phase alloy at 1173 K, is measured via atomprobe field-ion microscopy with a spatial resolution of 0.121 nm; this resolution is equal to the interplanar spacing of the {222) MgO planes. In particular, we demonstrate directly that the bonding across a Cu/MgO {lll}-type heterophase interface, along a <111> direction common to both the Cu matrix and an MgO precipitate, has the sequence CulOIMg... and not CulMglO... ; this result is achieved without any deconvolution of the experimental data. Before determining this chemical sequence, it was established, via high-resolution electron microscopy, that the morphology of an MgO precipitate in a Cu matrix is an octahedron faceted on {111} planes with a cube-on-cube relationship between a precipitate and the matrix; that is, {111}Cu//{222}MgO and < 110 >cu//< 110 >MgO.