a b s t r a c t a r t i c l e i n f oRecent studies at high field (7 Tesla) have reported small metabolite changes, in particular lactate and glutamate (below 0.3 μmol/g) during visual stimulation. These studies have been limited to the visual cortex because of its high energy metabolism and good magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) sensitivity using surface coil. The aim of this study was to extend functional MRS (fMRS) to investigate for the first time the metabolite changes during motor activation at 7 T. Small but sustained increases in lactate (0.17 μmol/g ± 0.05 μmol/g, p b 0.001) and glutamate (0.17 μmol/g ± 0.09 μmol/g, p b 0.005) were detected during motor activation followed by a return to the baseline after the end of activation. The present study demonstrates that increases in lactate and glutamate during motor stimulation are small, but similar to those observed during visual stimulation. From the observed glutamate and lactate increase, we inferred that these metabolite changes may be a general manifestation of the increased neuronal activity. In addition, we propose that the measured metabolite concentration increases imply an increase in ΔCMR O2 that is transiently below that of ΔCMR Glc during the first 1 to 2 min of the stimulation.© 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
IntroductionFunctional MR spectroscopy (fMRS) provides direct insights into brain metabolism by investigating the metabolic response of the brain to a physiological stimulus. The high spectral resolution and signal-tonoise ratio (SNR) of fMRS at high field (N3 Tesla) improve the accuracy and precision of the quantification of many brain metabolites (Mekle et al., 2009;Tkac et al., 2001Tkac et al., , 2009. In addition to the increased chemical shift dispersion, a high time resolution is of advantage for the characterization of the small transient changes observed. Recent fMRS studies (Lin et al., 2012;Mangia et al., 2007b;Schaller et al., 2013) at high field (7 Tesla) reported small metabolite concentration changes during visual stimulation (around 0.2 μmol/g). In particular, a very small lactate concentration increase between 10 and 23% has been observed. Recently, functional diffusion-weighted MRS has been used to investigate metabolite ADC changes as a potential consequence of micro structural changes during activation (Branzoli et al., 2013).The lactate increase observed during visual stimulation has been suggested to explain the mismatch of cerebral metabolic rate of change for glucose (ΔCMR Glc ) (or cerebral blood flow, CBF) and cerebral metabolic rate of change for oxygen (ΔCMR O2 ) during brain activation. However, many studies have reported different results concerning the transient mismatch of ΔCMR Glc , CBF and ΔCMR O2 during functional activity (reviewed in Buxton (2010)). The characterization of these changes has been reported in positron emission tomography (PET) (Fox and