Free-space optical communication links with terrestrial ground stations experience fading due to atmospheric scintillation and beam pointing. Fiber-coupled receiver systems experience additional fading at the interface between the fiber and free-space optics of the telescope. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center (GRC) has characterized a real-time photon-counting optical ground receiver system with an atmospheric fade emulation system. The receiver system is comprised of a fiber interconnect, an array of superconducting nanowire single photon detectors (SNSPDs), and a field programmable gate array (FPGA) based receive modem. Two fiber interconnect/detector architectures have been studied. One architecture uses a 70-mode photonic lantern coupled to seven single pixel SNSPDs. The other architecture uses a 10-mode few-mode fiber (FMF) coupled to a 15-pixel SNSPD array. The receiver system complies with the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) Optical Communications High Photon Efficiency Coding and Synchronization Standard, which uses serially concatenated convolutionally coded pulse-position modulation (SCPPM). The CCSDS standard is designed for use in low photon flux missions, including the Orion Artemis-II Optical (O2O) communications demonstration. The standard utilizes a convolutional symbol interleaver which can be resized to mitigate different fades. The fade emulation system employed in this work emulates scintillation-induced, pointing-induced, and coupling-induced fading. This paper gives an overview of the real-time optical receiver system and the fade emulation system. It presents tests results which show the impact of fading on the performance on the receiver. The test results show that in the presence of channel fading, the 70-mode photonic lantern outperforms the 10-mode FMF under higher (𝐷/𝑟 0 = 9) turbulence conditions due to high fiber-coupling-induced fading and fiber coupling loss on the 10-mode FMF. When operating in lower turbulence (𝐷/𝑟 0 = 4), the 10-mode FMF outperforms the 70-mode photonic lantern. The paper also shows a larger convolutional interleaver improves the system performance as long as the receiver does not lose acquisition.