Although glossic horizons are widespread throughout the Great Lakes region (USA), any type of detailed empirical investigation of their genesis has not been conducted for decades. In this study, we investigated a well‐drained Haplic Glossudalf formed in calcareous till in northern Michigan and examined its glossic features across five stages of development, from nondegraded to completely degraded. Along this sequence, the glossic horizon is formed from a Bt horizon, then destroyed, evolving into an E horizon. Argillic horizon degradation is initiated from the top downward, along discrete percolation pathways. Here, temporary, highly localized, anoxic conditions favor the reduction and eluviation of Fe oxides associated with argillans. After Fe removal, clay, and to lesser extent fine silt, in the argillans become mobilized. This process results in bleached, E horizon interfingerings that penetrate the upper Bt horizon. Although eluviation of clay and fine silt is required for glossic horizon formation, their removal follows a distinct pathway from fine clay through coarse clay, and finally fine silt. This research documents the importance of redox processes at microsites in the upper Bt horizon as the destabilizing trigger for glossic horizon formation. Redox processes and microerosion may be more important than the traditionally accepted view of destabilization of clay floccules by loss of basic cations from the exchange complex. We also note that lessivage, as traditionally defined, in these soils is associated with not just clay translocation, but also fine silt.