IFP has developed innovative technologies to answer the needs expressed by the oil and gas industry that wish to perform drilling operations in deeper water depths, in harsher environments with higher mud density. A new generation of drilling risers is proposed based on a combination of technologies which provide the riser with much higher performances for tension, pressure and dynamics: steel / composite hybrid Choke and Kill lines to withstand high pressures axial load-sharing between the main pipe and the auxiliary lines to improve the riser's mechanical behavior.A wide riser design parametric study was therefore performed considering 20 operational conditions. Five water depths from 6,000 ft to 14,000 ft and drilling depths in the range of 20,000 ft to 44,000 ft were considered. On the basis of three main operational requirements (riser mass, buoyancy limitations, riser natural period), the operational working envelopes of a new generation of risers were compared to those of conventional risers.According to the hypotheses of the study, it appears that the current drilling riser technology is generally limited to a 10,000 ft water depth and a 25,000 ft total depth in heavy rock formations. The dynamic behavior of such long risers, their huge mass and the buoyancy that are required to withstand high pressure encountered at greater drilling depths, strongly penalize the use of conventional riser technology beyond these limits.The paper shows how the HyperStatic Integration (HSI) concept and the hybrid pipe technology significantly extend the operating working envelopes of the riser. They introduce major improvements in the riser design such as: a large reduction of the riser mass and of the required buoyancy for riser joints an improved dynamic behavior which reduces the risk of riser resonance and increases its fatigue life.These new technologies therefore allow drilling operations in greater water depths, up to 14,000 ft, and deeper total depths beyond 30,000 ft. Since the qualification of hybrid pipes is now well advanced, further work is being carried out to develop and qualify the HyperStatic Integration techniques in order to have the technology ready for industrialization early in the next decade.