We investigate how symmetry and topological order are coupled in the 2 + 1d ZN rank-2 toric code for general N , which is an exactly solvable point in the Higgs phase of a symmetric rank-2 U (1) gauge theory. The symmetry enriched topological order present has a non-trivial realization of square-lattice translation (and rotation/reflection) symmetry, where anyons on different lattice sites have different types and belong to different superselection sectors. We call such particles "position-dependent excitations." As a result, in the rank-2 toric code anyons can hop by one lattice site in some directions while only by N lattice sites in others, reminiscent of fracton topological order in 3 + 1d. We find that while there are N 2 flavors of e charges and 2N flavors of m fluxes, there are not N N 2 +2N anyon types. Instead, there are N 6 anyon types, and we can use Chern-Simons theory with six U (1) gauge fields to describe all of them. While the lattice translations permute anyon types, we find that such permutations cannot be expressed as transformations on the six U (1) gauge fields. Thus the realization of translation symmetry in the U 6 (1) Chern-Simons theory is not known. Despite this, we find a way to calculate the translation-dependent properties of the theory. In particular, we find that the ground state degeneracy on an Lx × Ly torus is N 3 gcd(Lx, N ) gcd(Ly, N ) gcd(Lx, Ly, N ), where gcd stands for "greatest common divisor." We argue that this is a manifestation of UV/IR mixing which arises from the interplay between lattice symmetries and topological order.