Since the introduction of the idea of cognitive radio, various approaches towards spectrum sharing have been considered, for example, the Licensed Shared Access (LSA), which is considered in Europe, or Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) with Spectrum Access System (SAS) regulated by the US. This paper deals with the problem of coordinated resource allocation among a set of available base stations. A detailed definition of the problem is provided, followed by a discussion on a set of heuristics proposed for solving the problem. Four solutions are presented that are based on existing standards as well as on the approaches described in the literature. Next, new multi-selection (multi-choice) algorithm is proposed and discussed in detail. The main problem is divided in two subproblems, which are solved by using graph theorem and analytical description. The performance of the proposed solutions is analyzed in various scenarios. Finally, a trade-off between power allocation and frequency use is provided. All challenges identified during the investigation of the problem are presented.