Abstract. A K3 surface X defined over a field k of characteristic 0 is called singular if the Néron-Severi lattice NS(X) of X ⊗ k is of rank 20. Let X be a singular K3 surface defined over a number field F . For each embedding σ : F → C, we denote by T (X σ ) the transcendental lattice of the complex K3 surface X σ obtained from X by σ. For each prime p of F at which X has a supersingular reduction X p , we define L(X, p) to be the orthogonal complement of NS(X) in NS(X p ). We investigate the relation between these lattices T (X σ ) and L(X, p). As an application, we give a lower bound for the degree of a number field over which a singular K3 surface with a given transcendental lattice can be defined.
IntroductionFor a smooth projective surface X defined over a field k, we denote by Pic(X) the Picard group of X, and by NS(X) the Néron-Severi lattice of X ⊗k, wherek is the algebraic closure of k. When X is a K3 surface, we have a natural isomorphism Pic(X ⊗k) ∼ = NS(X). We say that a K3 surface X in characteristic 0 is singular if NS(X) is of rank 20, while a K3 surface X in characteristic p > 0 is supersingular if NS(X) is of rank 22. It is known ([17], [30], [31]) that every complex singular K3 surface is defined over a number field.For a number field F , we denote by Emb(F ) the set of embeddings of F into C, by Z F the integer ring of F , and by π F : Spec Z F → Spec Z the natural projection. Let X be a singular K3 surface defined over a number field F , and let X → U be a smooth proper family of K3 surfaces over a non-empty open subset U of Spec Z F such that the generic fiber is isomorphic to X. We put
d(X) := disc(NS(X)).Remark that we have d(X) < 0 by the Hodge index theorem. For σ ∈ Emb(F ), we denote by X σ the complex analytic K3 surface obtained from X by σ. The transcendental lattice T (X σ ) of X σ is defined to be the orthogonal complement of NS(X) ∼ = NS(X σ ) in the second Betti cohomology group H 2 (X σ , Z), which we regard as a lattice by the cup-product. Then T (X σ ) is an even positive-definite lattice of rank 2 with discriminant −d (X). For a closed point p of U , we denote by X p the reduction of X at p. Then X p is a K3 surface defined over the finite field For each p ∈ S p (X ), we have the specialization homomorphism ρ p : NS(X) → NS(X p ), which preserves the intersection pairing (see [2, Exp. X], [11, §4] or [12, §20.3]), and hence is injective. We denote by L(X , p) the orthogonal complement of NS(X) in NS(X p ), and call L(X , p) the supersingular reduction lattice of X at p. Then L(X , p) is an even negative-definite lattice of rank 2. We will see that, if p | 2d(X), then the discriminant of L(X , p) is −p 2 d(X). For an odd prime integer p not dividing x ∈ Z, we denote by The first main result of this paper, which will be proved in §6.5, is as follows:There exists a finite set N of prime integers containing the prime divisors of 2d(X) such that the following holds:We put Z ∞ := R. Let R be Z or Z l , where l is a prime integer or ∞. An R-lattice is a free R-module Λ of finit...