between excitons, that is, electron–hole pairs,
have a great impact on the optoelectronic properties of semiconductor
quantum dots and thus are relevant for applications such as lasers
and photovoltaics. Upon multiphoton excitation, these correlations
lead to the formation of multiexciton states. It is challenging to
observe these states spectroscopically, especially higher multiexciton
states, because of their short lifetimes and nonradiative decay. Moreover,
solvent contributions in experiments with coherent signal detection
may complicate the analysis. Here we employ multiple-quantum two-dimensional
(2D) fluorescence spectroscopy on colloidal CdSe1–x
/ZnS alloyed core/shell
quantum dots. We selectively map the electronic structure of multiexcitons
and their correlations by using two- and three-quantum 2D spectroscopy,
conducted in a simultaneous measurement. Our experiments reveal the
characteristics of biexcitons and triexcitons such as transition dipole
moments, binding energies, and correlated transition energy fluctuations.
We determine the binding energies of the first six biexciton states
by simulating the two-quantum 2D spectrum. By analyzing the line shape
of the three-quantum 2D spectrum, we find strong correlations between
biexciton and triexciton states. Our method contributes to a more
comprehensive understanding of multiexcitonic species in quantum dots
and other semiconductor nanostructures.