“…It has also been applied in mathema.cs, to assess students' understanding of calculus, sta.s.cs, and algebra (Bisson, Gilmore, Inglis & Jones, 2016;Jones et al, 2019) and their problem-solving skills (Jones & Inglis, 2015). CJ methods have even been successfully used to assess nebulous constructs such as who is "the be`er mathema.cian", as part of a project to track examina.on standards across .me (Jones, Wheadon, Humphries & Inglis, 2016). The commonality across such studies is using CJ to assess constructs -such as explanatorinessabout which experts are expected to have an intui.ve understanding, but which they may not be able to fully ar.culate, or use to make reliable absolute judgements (Polli`, 2012).…”