With the growing adoption of Industry 4.0 concepts in production systems, new challenges arise in engineering control software. Highly distributed control with tight real-time constraints and safety regulations results in increasingly complex software. Current research focuses on increasing the abstraction with new architectures and modularization of software. The presented PhD research addresses modeling of the interactions between control software components, and of the emergent behavior of these compositions. Such behavior models can support the initial implementation, and facilitate (semi-)automated testing and monitoring of control software. Finally, visualizing behavior in a model can enhance understandability of existing control software, when software developers need not access abstracted hierarchy levels to deduct their functionality. This work aims at optimizing the benefit of behavior models in developing control software: Modeling the expected behavior directly for new software will allow using them throughout the software life-cycle. For legacy software, the initial development effort of behavior models will be minimized by automatically capturing behavior models from the implementation. The approach is evaluated in case studies and user studies to integrate experiences from the industrial domain into this software engineering research.
CCS CONCEPTS• Software and its engineering → Domain specific languages;• Computer systems organization → Embedded and cyberphysical systems.