“…Stigma is a complex social process that involves labeling, stereotyping, separation, status loss and discrimination, which occurs when a power differential exists (Bailey 1999 . Negative stereotypes, often endorsed in relation to people with mental illnesses such as "dangerous", "violent", "less intelligent", "incapable", "weak", and "indolent" (Brown 2008 We designed a workshop that reduced limitations to the broad applicability of previous interventions, such as the need for multiple classroom sessions (Watson et al 2004), time commitment outside of school (Schulze et al 2003), direct contact with patients (Economou et al 2012;Pinfold et al 2003), and well-trained individuals to deliver the workshop (Stuart 2006). We used a combined approach of education with indirect video-based contact, along with strategies to promote participation, including games with small prizes, quizzes, open discussions and active demonstrations involving students.…”