Electron microscopic examination of developing myofibrils in regenerating skeletal muscle of Rana pipiens tadpole tails reveals that sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) is in regular and close association with Z-lines of young sarcomeres before transverse tubules have formed alongside the myofibrils. SR is also associated with M-lines of young sarcomeres but on a less regular basis than with Z-lines. Counts of the number of contact sites of SR with Z-lines, M-lines and combined A-and I-bands of longitudinally sectioned sarcomeres of young myofibrils confirms the visual impression that the SR associates with a relatively much greater frequency with Z-lines and M-lines than with other regions of the sarcomere. This suggests the formation of a specific bond between SR and Z-and M-lines.Serial transverse sections of developing myofibrils were examined in order to determine whether Z-lines displayed SR association at all stages in their formation. Of fifty discrete Z-lines that were examined, only four smaller Z-lines appeared to lack SR association. An examination of a comparable number of more diffuse Z-bodies representing an earlier stage of Z-line formation suggests that no more than one-half of these Z-bodies were accompanied by SR. These observations support the conclusion that SR does not initiate formation of Z-line precursor elements, but rather associates with Z-lines as they condense from more diffuse Zbodies.The contractile apparatus of fast vertebrate skeletal muscle consists of two major components, the myofibrils and their enveloping network of smooth sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and transverse tubules (T-tubules) . Electron microscopic studies of SR and T-tubule development during myogenesis (Ezerman and Ishikawa, '67; Walker and Schrodt, '68; Schiaffino and Margreth, '69; A. M. Kelly, '71) have shown that there is a gradual and co-ordinated interaction among SR, T-tubules, and myofibrils leading to the emplacement of triads at regular intervals along the myofibrils. It is appropriate to ask, therefore, how these elements may influence each other during development. This issue has been brought into sharp focus by recent studies of embryonic rat skeletal muscle (Walker et al., '68; Walker and Edge, '71) which indicate that there is a regular association of developing SR and Z-lines at an early stage of myogenesis be-ANAT, REC., 177: 225-212.fore T-tubules are well-formed. In their most recent study, Walker and Edge ('71) reported that SR association was observed from the beginning to the completion of Z-line development. They proposed that the SR, in addition to its obvious involvement in triad formation, might also play an important part in the assembly of Z-lines along developing myofibrils.The present study follows from observations that the SR also interacts with Z-lines of developing myofibrils in regenerating frog tadpole skeletal muscle (Warren, '69) and is addressed specifically to the question of whether the SR is associated with the Z-lines at all detectable stages of Z-line formation. The res...