Film cooling, for gas turbine blades or other applications,is done by injecting cool air through a row of holes in a solid wall, past which hot gas is owing. To investigate the effect of hole shape directly, the present experimental and computational study compares the lm cooling effectiveness of two sets of compound-oriented holes, one square and the other round, both placed (alternatively) in a plane wall. Both have the same cross-sectional area, and both are tested in the same facility at the same three blowing ratios R: 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5. Numerical simulations are made using the standard k-" turbulence model. Film cooling effectiveness is measured using a ame ionization detector. Results show that the holes perform quite differently, the square holes being slightly superior only very close to the injection point and only at low R. For all higher blowing ratios and larger downstream distances investigated, the round holes are better due to the lower integrated momentum ux away from the wall plane at the hole exit. The marked differences between the effectiveness of round and square holes con rms that hole exit geometry is an extremely important factor in lm cooling design, even at compound orientation angles.
NomenclatureA = area C = coolant concentration in the freestream D = round hole diameter d = effective cross-sectional hole diameter, equal to jet width in the case of square hole k = turbulence kinetic energy L = length of coolant hole tubes Q = average normal volume ux A W ¢ dA R = jet-to-cross ow velocity (blowing) ratio, V j =V 1 Re = Reynolds number V ; W = mean velocity components in the y and z directions, respectively V j = bulk jet velocity W M = average value of W taken over the jet exit area X; Y; Z = axes of tunnel coordinate system ® = injection angle (Fig. 1a) = hole axis orientation angle with respect to the freestream direction (Fig. 1b) z = momentum correction factor de ned by Eq. (2) "= turbulence dissipation raté = adiabatic lm cooling effectiveness Ń = spanwise-averaged lm cooling effectiveness º = kinematic viscosity ½ = density Subscripts j = jet 1 = cross ow