Vegetative !)ropagatlon of Grambe Tbeory of .formatlve sub• •lIIorltimo___ :. _________________ _ stances________________ 9 80 Formation of adventlve sboots_ 9 Dltrerent .. anlagen" ratber Budproductlol\___________ d11I'ereD:tfoodsup 10 tban plles ________________ .:._ Normal anatomy of rooL__ 10 83 Healing ('f the cut surfacc_ 11 Organization as the basis Appearance of .tbe bud ___ _ 18 of directed merlstematlc actlvtty_______________ FQrIllIltion oroadventlve roots_ .• 22 84 ~e generalized problem_________ 27 Influence of 'organlzatlon Adventlve aboota ____________ _ 27 upon tbe emergence of Shoots upon sboots ______ _ 29 tbe adventlve ,meristem__ 86 Conclusion ____________..1________ Shoots upon roots________ _ 40 .88 Adventlve roots_____________ _ Literature clted.. ______________ .:__ 59 89 Roots upon roots ________ _ 119 ;Roots upon sboots _______ _ 62 .. '"')w• .