A mathematical model termed the blind side channel model is developed to describe the washing performance of liquid retained in a bed of granular solids. The effects of operating variables and system's parameters, such as the flow rate of wash liquor, the diffusivity of the liquid system, and the thickness of the bed, are discussed. The experimental washing study was carried out with granular solids such as glass beads, sand, and crystalline solids, and application of wash liquors miscible in all cases with the residual liquid in the bed, drained by centrifuging. Results from the developed model showed very good agreement with the experimental results. The developed model would be valuable in analyzing the washing performance for process improvement and in designing washing systems.The removal of the residual liquid from the filter cakes, called washing, is one of the common unit operations in the chemical industry. The liquid is held in drained or centrifuged filter cakes mainly by surface tension forces.Mathematical analysis of mass transfer between the filtrate and wash has been tried by several authors. Rhodes (1 ) presented a performance equation of this general type and correlated it with certain data for sodium chloride washing, assuming that the wash liquor was perfectly mixed with the filtrate so that the mass transfer coefficients did not appear explicitly. His performance equation was accordingly a simple exponential decay in solute concentration with time. It was developed for application to the washing of a saturated bed having voids full of filtrate. His equation fits the experimental data well when the washing operation is under way, but it fails to describe the initial piston-like displacement of filtrate at the beginning of the wash. Kuo (2) assumed that before the start of a wash cycle most of the filtrate has been forced out of the filter cake pore spaces by the pressure difference across the filter cloth and that a channel for the flow of wash liquor is formed, with a stagnant film of filtrate remaining on its surface. The washing serves to extract the remaining solute from this film. He presented transport equations that were derived by assuming that plug flow occurs in the pores of a filtered bed, with continuous mass transfer from a film of filtrate to the wash liquor. The differential equations and their solutions represent a more elegant treatment of the washing operation than those previously available. Dobie ( 3 ) set up a s stem equation for the diffusion operation and ot a was il ing efficienc assuming that the cake B orms a bundle of capi laries, that all the pores of the cake are accessible to the wash liquor, and that no viscous fingering occurs between the wash liquor and filtrate. These earlier analyses appear to be too simplified, because the flow channel in the packed bed does not consist of a simple bundle of capillaries, even in the simple case of a bed of spheres of uniform size. particles, in what may be represented by blind side channels, and not in the straight channels a...