We conducted three series of experiments in laboratory and natural streams to evaluate effects of various physical factors on seston (particulate organic matter) retention, entrainment, and transport. Results of laboratory experiments showed that substrate characteristics were important in determining retention of all sizes of seston. Retention increased with roughness and substrate complexity. During simulated storms in laboratory streams, seston concentrations were not generally correlated with discharge. However, we found strong correlation between seston concentration and the rate of increase in discharge during rising hydrographs, and, after peak discharge, seston concentration dropped exponentially independent of discharge. Simulated storms conducted in a natural stream channel supported those findings. Results of these experiments and published field studies suggest that existing sediment transport models have little application to seston transport in small streams primarily because of limited availability of seston. During baseflow, seston transport depends on the rate of biological particle generation and retention characteristics of the streambed. Seston transport during storms depends on the rate of increase in discharge, streambed retention, and the availability of particulate organic material on the streambed.