A delta wing is subjected to small-amplitude perturbations over a range of periods, to simulate leading-edge control concepts. Substantial modi cations of the instantaneous and averaged structure of the leading-edge vortex are attainable, both with and without a downstream impingement plate. The features of the vortex response are characterized using a technique of high-image-densityparticle image velocimetry. The locationof the onset of vortex breakdown can either be advanced or retarded, and the attendant changes in vortex structure are interpreted in the context of buffeting of the impingement plate. Comparison of the vortex structure with and without deployment of the plate shows a dramatic in uence of the plate.
Nomenclatureperturbation frequency of the wing, Hz f 0 = frequency of vortex breakdown, Hz L = distance between trailing edge of the delta wing and leading edge of the plate L p = length of the plate, mm M = magni cation N = number of samples Re = Reynolds number, U 1 C=º T = total time of sample, s T e = period of wing perturbation, s T 0 = period of inherent (undisturbed) vortex breakdown, s U ref = reference velocity, mm/s U 1 = freestream velocity, mm/s V = total velocity, mm/s hV i = averaged velocity, mm/s v = transverse velocity component, mm/s v rms = root mean square of transverse velocity uctuations, mm/s W p = width of the plate, mm X ¤ b = vortex breakdown location in presence of wing perturbation, mm .X ¤ b / 0 = vortex breakdown location for stationary wing, mm ® = angle of attack of delta wing, deg ®.t / = dynamic angle of attack of delta wing, deg ® 0 = amplitude of wing perturbation, deg N ® = mean angle of attack, deg 1! = incremental values of vorticity, 1/s 3 = sweep angle of delta wing, deg º = kinematic viscosity, mm 2 /s ! = vorticity, 1/s h!i = averaged vorticity,