Electrostatic levitation together with multibeam heating and ultraviolet imaging overcame contamination, imaging, and sample position stability problems associated with handling of liquid tantalum and rhenium. Here, the density [ρ(T)] of these metals is reported in the superheated and undercooled states. Over the 2760–3580 K interval, the density of tantalum was measured as ρ(T)=1.50×104−0.41(T−Tm) kg m−3, where the melting temperature Tm, was 3290 K. For rhenium, the density was determined (2700–3810 K) as ρ(T)=1.84×104−0.91(T−Tm), with Tm=3453 K. From these data, respective volume expansion coefficients of 2.7×10−5 and 4.9×10−5 K−1 were calculated. At Tm, the data agree well with the literature values.