After collisions with impinging particle, a density fluctuation of nuclear matter may turn into a multibaryon (MB) with chiral symmetry restored in its interior. This method of observation of the chiral phase transition has its advantages due to a relatively moderate number of secondary particles to be measured. We suggest to use a cumulative particle as a trigger for a detection of MB decay products. Estimations show that its appearance is a signature of "deep cooling" of MB, which brings it close to the unexcited state. This gives a chance to separate MB from the secondary particle background. For separation of events with MB production, a role of intranuclear collisions of MB decay products should also be evaluated. We study experimental data taken with the EVA spectrometer at BNL as a simplified form of the problem. Analysis of intranuclear interactions before and after hard scattering of protons from SRC leads to a plausible conclusion that there were π-mesons missed in the experiment. Other logically permissible possibilities such as a color anti-transparency effect and a presence of states reminding a fusiform (ellipsoidal) body in the wave function of 12 C are briefly discussed too. Then we show that the short range correlation mechanism is not the only reasonable explanation of the experimental data. Interpretations based on dibaryons pre-existent in nuclei before its interaction with the projectile, or created during this interaction are also possible. Some examples of detection of MB production by the cumulative particle method are given with estimations of their feasibility.