A farm-level financial feasibility was performed to examine the use of shelterbelts as a swine odor mitigation technology. Shelterbelts are purposefully planted rows of trees and shrubs around the main sources of swine odor-swine buildings, manure storage systems, and crop fields that receive land applied manure. By using a series of model pork finishing farms and a number of differing shelterbelt design scenarios, the shelterbelt establishment and long-term (20 years) maintenance costs were calculated using a discounted cash flow analysis. Total costs for examined pork finishing farms, depending upon the shelterbelt design scenario, and whether or not government cost-share programming was used, ranged from $0.01 to $0.65 per pig produced. Study results emphasized the importance of cost-share programs, particularly Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP). In most cases, both with and without cost-share programming, the total costs were well below reported pork producer expenditures for odor management.