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MOTIVATION IN WORDS: PROMOTION-AND PREVENTION-ORIENTED LEADER COMMUNICATION IN TIMES OF CRISISWhen during the 2008 US presidential elections a financial crisis erupted, the US people overwhelmingly voted for Barack Obama, the candidate who had adopted the slogan "change we can believe in" and who emphasized hope and optimism when he addressed the people. In line with this example, research demonstrates that situational uncertainty or crisis strongly influences the endorsement of the more charismatic or decisive leadership styles and that inspirational communication is at the heart of these styles (see Bligh clear what leaders should communicate in order to be endorsed in difficult times. We argue that regulatory focus (Higgins, 1987(Higgins, , 1997 of leader communication, which we refer to as regulatory orientation, is an important determinant of leadership endorsement during crisis.,Studies on the role of regulatory focus in leadership mostly seem to focus on regulatory fit effects (Avnet & Higgins, 2006;Cesario, Grant, & Higgins, 2004). Regulatory fit theory posits that persons who's regulatory focus is sustained by the environment, will be experiencing a situation of "feeling right". If individuals feel right they become more persuaded, more motivated, more engaged and their evaluations of the elements that sustain their regulatory focus intensify. Hence, followers may perceive a leader as effective and motivating when the regulatory orientation of the leader's communication fits followers' regulatory focus (cf. Stam, van Knippenberg & Wisse, 2010a). Based on this argument, some researchers have speculated that leaders who use prevention-oriented communication may be especially endorsed in times of crisis because the negative affect and uncertainty associated with crisis induce a prevention focus in MOTIVATION IN WORDS 3 followers and prevention-oriented leader communication sustains a prevention focus (cf. Bruch, Shamir, & Eilam-Shamir, 2007;Stam et al., 2010a).In the current research we challenge this idea. We acknowledge that the uncertainty and negative feelings engendered by crises may induce a prevention focus in individuals, but based he regulatory focus literature (e.g., Hamstra, Sassenberg, van Yperen, & Wisse, 2013;Johnson, Smith, Wallace, Hill, & Baron, 2015) we argue that fit caused by prevention-oriented communication during crisis serves to intensify the uncertainty and negative feelings related to the crisis. This will lead to less motivation to realize the...