The growth of the economy is a concern to many because it has an influence on the progress of a country and its citizens. It is expected that an economy with a highly advanced digital money system should also experience high economic growth. However, statistics indicate that the economic growth rate in Kenya has been fluctuating and has failed to grow consistently despite numerous policy interventions. This study sought to establish the influence of digital money on Economic Growth in Kenya. The study incorporated a descriptive research technique and a time series approach to analyse the relationship between digital money and economic growth using Kenyan quarterly data from 2011 to 2020. Four variables were used as proxies to measure digital money: - the value of mobile money transactions, the value of cards money transactions, the value of internet banking (EFTs) transactions and agency banking. The findings revealed that all relationships that were tested were positive and significant each with p-Value that was less than 0.05. Further analysis showed F-Calculated (1, 38; α=0.05) was 32.909 (card transactions), 247.029 (EFT transactions), 297.118 (mobile transfer), and 571.417 (active agents). Therefore, the study recommended that there is need for an intensified campaign to sensitize the public on the importance of digital money owing to their flexibility and improved security as compared to carrying physical cash especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. To the policy makers, the findings suggest that there is need to solidify and enforce strong digital/ICT policy that promotes cashless payments.