“…Second, we contribute to recent papers in both accounting and finance that associate labor market outcomes (such as wages, turnover, and job searches) with firm financial characteristics (e.g., John, Lang, and Netter [1992], Berk, Stanton, and Zechner [2010], Agrawal and Matsa [2013], Chodorow-Reich [2014], Brown and Matsa [2016], Baghai et al [2018], Hass, Hribar, and Kalogirou [2018], Babina et al [2019], Baik et al [2019], Whited [2019], Jia, Gao, and Martin [2020], Bai, Serfling, and Shaikh [2022], Choi and Gipper [2022]). Our paper documents worker responses-that is, compensating wage differentials-to accounting characteristics of the firm while controlling for worker characteristics.…”