Abstract:The aim of this paper is to fi nd out determinants which aff ect the commercial banks´ decision to lend on the interbank market in the Visegrad countries. The data cover the period from 2000 to 2011. The net interbank position of individual banking sectors signifi cantly diff ers. Results of the probit model showed that banks´ decision to lend in interbank market is determined both by bank-specifi c and macroeconomic factors. Bank liquidity, capital adequacy and quality of the loan portfolio are important bank-specifi c factors. Growth rate of the gross domestic products, unemployment rate, fi nancial crisis and level of interest rates matter among macroeconomic factors. Although the Visegrad countries have a lot in common, diff erent factors determined the banks´ decision in individual countries. Moreover, the direction of infl uence of some factors may also diff er.