Relying on dynamic agency and stakeholder perspectives as theoretical underpinnings, this paper analyzes the mediating effect of board governance and operational governance in the relationship between sustainability and financial performance of firms. Using a sample of 224 large and actively traded Canadian firms listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange, the authors use the partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) approach to analyze the data. The results show that there is a good fit between the data for both the measurement and structural equation models, and they further reveal partial mediation effects of board governance and operational governance singly and jointly as full mediation in the relationship between sustainability and financial performance of firms. The results are robust to controlling for various factors that affect firms’ sustainability and financial performance, such as firm type, firm age, and other industry-specific characteristics. This study provides valuable insights for corporate governance and sustainability scholars and practitioners that may allow them to link governance structures with sustainability for better financial performance outcomes, as well as to include an integrated sustainability focus into their competitive strategies.