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Alexander PopovIn 2013 all ECB publications feature a motif taken from the €5 banknote.note: This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the European Central Bank (ECB). The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the ECB.
AbstractUsing a unique survey database of 8265 …rms from 25 transition economies, I …nd that lack of access to …nance in general, and to bank credit in particular, is associated with signi…cantly lower investment in on-the-job training. This e¤ect is stronger in education-intensive industries and in industries facing good global growth opportunities. To address endogeneity issues, I use the structure of local credit markets as an instrument for credit constraints at the …rm-level. In addition, in panel estimates, I control for the presence of unobserved …rm-level heterogeneity, as well as for changes in macroeconomic conditions. JEL classi…cation: G10, J21, J24, M53. Keywords: credit constraints, human capital, on-the-job training. Becker (1962) was the …rst to argue that lack of access to external …nancing may depress e¢ cient investment in training, either because credit constrained workers will not be willing to accept lower wages, or because credit constrained …rms may not be able to pay workers more than their marginal product during the training period.
Non-Technical SummaryHowever, because direct measures of credit constraints are missing in conventional datasets, there is no microevidence that credit constraints a¤ect training or that the magnitude of the e¤ect is economically important. There are three main stumbling blocks in evaluating the impact of credit market imperfections on investment in human capital. The …rst one is that while the literature has studied extensively what constitutes a credit constrained …rm, credit constrained …rms are usually not observable. To deal with this issue, I identify …rms that do not have access to 1 credit markets from replies to direct questions about whether …rms were denied credit or did not apply fearing that they would be denied. Second, credit constrained …rms may also be …rms for which the return to training is lower due to their more general technology, to their inability to lock workers into long-term contracts, or to their low degree of oligopsonic power. The detailed …rm-level dataset used in this paper makes it possible to circumvent this problem by allowing me to obse...