Swine fl u is a common term representing the respiratory viral infections caused by infl uenza A virus strain H1N1. This disease was noticed for the fi rst time in Mexico during early 2009, spread worldwide very soon and took nearly 4000 lives. It is observed that this infection is due to an evolved virulent version of previously existing H1N1. The fi rst report of this infection was noticed in a traveler from USA to India at the Hyderabad international airport. Later, because of its highly contagious and fast-spreading nature through air, many people reported to have the infection throughout the country. In Andhra Pradesh, there were 735 offi cially confi rmed cases of which 44 died. These cases were not only from Hyderabad which is the state capital having frequent travelers from abroad but are also reported from different parts of the state. The incidence and mortality rate is less in Andhra Pradesh compared to some of the other Indian states. This raises a question whether the type of the strain is different or genetic features of the population is playing the role in reducing the severity of the disease. In this review we have discussed about the occurrence, spread and mortality of the current H1N1 pandemic. We have also discussed about the current status of research on H1N1 and efforts in the state of Andhra Pradesh.