“…We also used topologies generated according to Erdos-Renyi (ER) random graphs. To simulate a QoS metric, edges were weighted uniformly in the interval [1,10], following [29], [14]. The dataset statistics are as follows: ER1, an ER graph with n = 1000, m = 49995; RL1, router-level graph with n = 5000, m = 250000, generated by BRITE with default parameters and Waxman model; RL2, same as RL1 except n = 1000, m = 2000; RL3, same as RL1 except n = 100, m = 200; AS1, an AS-level graph generated by BRITE with default parameters and n = 10000, m = 498725; and finally, H1, a hierarchical BRITE top-down graph with 200 autonomous systems and 100 routers per AS, with n = 20000, m = 660604.…”