Weighted timed automata have been defined in the early 2000's for modelling resource-consumption or -allocation problems in real-time systems. Optimal reachability is decidable in weighted timed automata, and a symbolic forward algorithm has been developed to solve that problem. This algorithm uses so-called priced zones, an extension of standard zones with cost functions. In order to ensure termination, the algorithm requires clocks to be bounded. For unpriced timed automata, much work has been done to develop sound abstractions adapted to the forward exploration of timed automata, ensuring termination of the model-checking algorithm without bounding the clocks. In this paper, we take advantage of recent developments on abstractions for timed automata, and propose an algorithm allowing for symbolic analysis of all weighted timed automata, without requiring bounded clocks.themselves. It can be seen as a priced counterpart of a recently-developed inclusion test over standard zones [HSW12]: it compares abstractions of zones without explicitly computing them, which has shown its efficiency for the analysis of timed automata. We prove that the forward-exploration algorithm using priced zones with this inclusion test indeed computes the optimal cost, and that it terminates. We also propose an algorithm to effectively decide inclusion of priced zones. We implemented our algorithm, and we compare it with that of [RLS06].Related work. The approach of [LBB + 01,RLS06] is the closest related work. Our algorithm applies to a more general class of systems (unbounded clocks), and always computes fewer symbolic states on bounded models (see Remark 1); also, while the inclusion test of [RLS06] reduces to a mincost flow problem, for which efficient algorithms exist, we had to develop specific algorithms for checking our new inclusion relation. We develop this comparison with [RLS06] further in Section 6, including experimental results.Our algorithm can be used in particular to compute best-and worst-case execution times. Several tools propose WCET analysis based on timed automata: TIMES [AFM + 03] uses binary-search to evaluate WCET, while Uppaal [GELP10] and METAMOC [DOT + 10] rely on the algorithm of [RLS06] mentioned above; in particular they require bounded clocks to ensure termination. A tentative workaround to this problem has been proposed in [ARF14], but we are uncertain about its correctness (as we explain with a counter-example in Appendix A).By lack of space, all proofs are given in a separate appendix.