We develop novel methods for using persistent homology to infer the homology of an unknown Riemannian manifold (M, g) from a point cloud sampled from an arbitrary smooth probability density function. Standard distance-based filtered complexes, such as the Čech complex, often have trouble distinguishing noise from features that are simply small. We address this problem by defining a family of "density-scaled filtered complexes" that includes a density-scaled Čech complex and a density-scaled Vietoris-Rips complex. We show that the density-scaled Čech complex is homotopy-equivalent to M for filtration values in an interval whose starting point converges to 0 in probability as the number of points N → ∞ and whose ending point approaches infinity as N → ∞. By contrast, the standard Čech complex may only be homotopy-equivalent to M for a very small range of filtration values. The density-scaled filtered complexes also have the property that they are invariant under conformal transformations, such as scaling. We implement a filtered complex DVR that approximates the density-scaled Vietoris-Rips complex, and we empirically test the performance of our implementation. As examples, we use DVR to identify clusters that have different densities, and we apply DVR to a time-delay embedding of the Lorenz dynamical system. Our implementation is stable (under conditions that are almost surely satisfied) and designed to handle outliers in the point cloud that do not lie on M.Keywords Topological data analysis • persistent homology • random topology • Riemannian manifolds Mathematics Subject Classification (2020) 55N31 • 60B99 • 53Z50The author acknowledges support from the Eugene V. Cota-Robles fellowship.